Turning knowledge into power
There is a lot of information out there about HIV research, and although most of that information is good, some can be misleading. We want to share a few important facts about research and HIV prevention.
Knowledge and education are power and we want to turn it up.
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Basics of HIV
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system, or the part of your body that works to keep you healthy by fighting off infections. Over time, and without treatment, HIV can cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as the Read more>>

Respect and Protect: Ethical Scientific Research
Scientific research has produced important social benefits and health improvements such as development of vaccines for polio and treatments for HIV. However, scientific research has also raised troubling ethical questions. Probably the most infamous example in the U.S. Read more>>

What You Need to Know About VISP (Vaccine–Induced Sero–Positivity)
One of the most common concerns people have about HIV vaccine research is around vaccine–induced Seropositivity, or VISP. So besides being a mouthful, what is VISP? And can it affect me? When our bodies encounter a foreign substance, like a virus, our immune Read more>>

HIV Vaccine Myths and Facts
Myth: HIV vaccines can give people HIV.
Fact: This statement is false: a person CANNOT get HIV from the study vaccines because these study vaccines do not contain real HIV. Some vaccines, like those for typhoid or Read more>>